We live in the greatest nation on earth. We are blessed with a unique heritage that set and modeled a standard for the world which has been accepted and followed by millions. Since the founding of this great nation, men, women and families from all over the world have sacrificed all to partake in the freedoms secured within these borders. Over the years we have taken great strides toward peace, equality and opportunity. History and common sense teach us that these freedoms must be continually guarded for the wages of complacency are bondage.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand" (Abraham Lincoln). We are a house divided. Not since the vehement words of the civil war have we been subject to such divisive rhetoric from those who mean to lead us. True leadership stems from those who can see past their own paradigms, converge with diversity and emerge in greatness. I do not speak of compromise, or bipartisan concessions. I speak of truth. Principle based legislation, not because it's popular, or good for some, but because it is right.
The crisis descending on our nation today is the prophetic culmination of thousands of missed course corrections as guided by a failing moral compass. We, as a people, have enabled our government to assume a power greater than the governed. The checks and balances of our democratic system are established to maintain distinct, separate, interdependent, local, state, and federal branches each designed to act in it's Constitutionally designated sphere of influence.
The most fundamental principle of a free people is that all forms of government strive to nurture, cultivate and instill integrity, self-worth, and self-reliance in the governed. Higher forms of government must not assume any responsibility that can reasonably be addressed by that of a lower form of government. The family is the lowest, simplest and most powerful form of government and must be given the opportunity and responsibility to act for the future prosperity of themselves and all civilization. Until we empower the family to it's rightful place, we will continue to decline into chaos.
If we are to succeed as a nation, we must find our way past sensationalizing media giants, "special interest" groups, and "career politicians". We must elect just, honest, humble, principled citizens to lead our nation; citizens eager to give power and responsibility back to the people and then hold them and their respective governments accountable for the discharge of their duties. We are desperate for leaders who can unite the people in principle based dialogue, timeless discourse resilient to the political winds of partisan rhetoric.
We must call on good people everywhere to take a stand against the destructive, unsustainable course upon which we have been set adrift. We must get our house in order else we will not stand. As iterated at our nation's birth, "[...] mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed" (Declaration of Independence). These evils are no longer "sufferable". Law, order, justice, peace, civility, integrity, thrift, truth, and freedom must once again take their rightful place at the head of our great nation.
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