Monday, March 25, 2019


November 1999.  Tensions were high and uncertainty certain.  Crossing the Sound aboard a ferry, a young man, reviews the tourist literature. - Walk-on passengers tend to have a longer, more leisurely ride as the ferry is a short yet scenic experience and walk-on passengers are not burdened by filing in and out of vehicles and waiting in long lines to embark or disembark the vessel. - Filed amongst the tourist pamphlets were some amateur yet informative packets about an event which would shortly occur downtown Seattle in the coming days.  The World Trade Organization (WTO) was having a conference/convention and it had a lot of people stirred up.  This packet gave some brief explanations of a few of the many grievances placed against the organization and a schedule of informative meetings to be held during the time of and in close proximity to the conference.  The young man previously mentioned, lets call him John, decided this was an education worth pursuing, at least in part.  Returning to town, John proceeded to consult with a friend who had in turn determined this was in fact a worthy pursuit and well worth the effort.  It was decided that John and his friend Eric would depart Tuesday morning in order to travel to Seattle for Wednesday meetings.

The time for depart came and Eric was unable to travel at that time.  Undeterred, John collected his backpack, boarded a bus for the ferry, alone.  The journey aboard the bus and across the sound on the ferry were largely uneventful.  After reaching shore, John caught a bus headed for downtown.  The bus driver informed John that the busses had been removed from downtown and were forbidden to return.  Requesting the driver to drop him as close to downtown as possible, the driver stopped a few miles from downtown to let him off.  It was an eerie feeling walking the streets of Seattle.  The once lively, active environment had been reduced to little more than a ghost town.  Vehicles were scarce and humans were all but missing.  About halfway on his pedestrian journey, John was passed by a young man and young woman carrying a sign and covered in pins.  Other than that, in his telling of the story, John cannot remember passing another soul before reaching downtown.

Late in the afternoon, the skyscrapers drew near.  Finally, on the edge of downtown, John turned onto 4th street (as he remembers it) to see an alarming site.  From its base, clear up to the top, the hill was teeming will people.  Groups of individuals lined the street.  Walking down the middle of the street he passed them all, slowly making his way to the top.  About halfway up the street he saw a most alarming and disturbing image.  A group of individuals, dressed in black, baring the anarchists brand, with faces veiled were burning an American flag.  Feelings of curiosity and wonder were now sharpened into alarm.  At the top of the hill sat a stage in the middle of the street with a group of individuals chained to it.  Just beyond sat three rows of protestors and immediately past them stood a row riot police in full riot gear.  Lining the entrance to an adjacent street stood an equally ominous looking barricade of riot police.

Time was far spent and light was failing.  At approximately 4:45 p.m., a young man mounted the stage to make an announcement.  He informed all those within the sound of his voice that the police department had given an ultimatum to vacate the area prior to 5 p.m..  He gave some very brief yet specific directions for the group to maneuver the streets down to the park where they would all disperse.  They would then reconvene the next morning to continue their protest.  A request was made for assistance in relocating the stage to the sidewalk.  John positioned himself at one edge to assist in relocating the stage when he heard a strange akin to rush, pressurized air.  Looking up into the darkening sky he saw sparks.  Immediately following, a loud explosive sound occurred immediately to his side as he felt something hit him in the cheek.  Recoiling to the side, a canister flew over head spewing a trail of smoke.  The entire area immediately erupted into a scene of chaos and confusion.  John felt herded down the street to the right of the one he came up.  Remaining calm, John raised his shoulders and lowered his head to protect the back of his head from any other projectiles and continued down the unknown street. 

It should be noted, unknown to John at the time, the city was plagued, earlier that day, by riots and looting.  Shops had been ransacked and property damaged.  Additionally, the unexpected advance of the riot police was most likely due to calculated disturbances caused by the individuals in black. 

About halfway down the block he saw a large bottle flying through the air.  The bottle hit its mark atop an urban riot tank.  His alarm had reached a new height as his senses seemed to hone to an acute awareness of his surroundings.  The air was saturated by what can only be assumed to be tear gas.  The smell of rubbing alcohol poured over fresh burning asphalt.  

Miraculously, he was able to maneuver his way out of danger onto calmer Seattle streets.  At this point, his mind turned to shelter for the evening.  He had learned of a "tent city" established elsewhere in the city as a safe haven for the homeless during this turmoil.  Unaware of how to navigate there John employed the companionship of a gentleman willing to lead the way.  This was a rather kind man, who provided simple conversation while guiding their path.  John's traveling companion, however, seemed to be troubled by some form of sinus disorder.  He was continually attempting to evict some unwelcome occupant of his nasal cavity, and quite violently at times.  He later found out that the unwelcome guest was in fact a small balloon containing heroine.  Additionally, John's companion was more than willing to share in this bounty should it become available.  Finding themselves at a convenience store, in which his companion needed to enter, John took the opportunity to take leave of his traveling partner thanking him for his assistance and companionship.

In a matter of time, he reached the tent city.  It was located in a quant little church parking lot.  Very kind and attentive people were there to assist those in need.  John was able to erect his tent in the parking lot and was even provided with some food.  Throughout the night he could hear a small TV conveying the news from downtown where individuals continued to confront police forces with primitive means.  Helicopters filled the night air.     

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