Monday, March 25, 2019


Modern conservative movement is a movement to restore truth.  Our values, the values this country was founded on, the values that made us strong are under direct and unrelenting attack.  We are battling on 2 completely separate idealistic fronts.  We are in a sense, being surrounded.  Each assault is a blasphemous mockery, a vague transparent shadow of an eternal truth to be defended.  

On the right flank we have the group who are fighting to establish a government based on a single religious perspective.  They seek to impose their religious beliefs and subjucate the inhabitants of the lands they occupy.  These religious zealots believe that their way is the only way.  ISIS, Taliban, and Al Qaida to name a few.  We even have a few of these here at home.  Groups or individuals who refuse to lend their support on grounds of denominational affiliation and not on the principles and truths adopted.  We are divided while those who would overthrow truth and the God that created it are becoming increasingly united.  I hear of a need for religious revival in this country.  A greater need for spirituality.  Unfortunately I think this revival is still denominational in scope.  We need a uniting voice in the political arena that calls back the liberating truths of the justice expression of conscience.  All members of the human family who know they are accountable to God for every action they do or don't make, can and should united under the banner of the Constitution of the United States of America.  

On the left flank we have a group of people so far flattered by their own philosophy that they feel that they can do no wrong.  They are establishing themselves as a godless group who believe peace can only be achieved under a "new world order" where all people conform to "politically correct" principles.  "If it doesn't directly negatively impact others its okay. 


We neither seek to establish a religous state nor do we seek to excuse away our actions of unrighteousness.  We seek to establish truth, mercy, justice ... the original american way.  We know, collectively, that we will one day stand accountable before God to render an account of our days in this life.  Our actions and our inactions will speak to the true person we are.  Not that our acts of righteousness can bring any merit to our stature for we are all beggars before God, but that our acts of unrighteousness can and will unleash the just displeasure of righteous Deity.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Edmund Burke

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