Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Politically Incorrect

One of the first and fundamental principles of a free society is self-regulation. The absence of discipline inevitably results in a higher authority imposing regulations/restrictions on those who can't or otherwise won't self-regulate.  The natural consequence of which is the entire body is burdened and stifled by a restriction on their freedoms due to the unbridled actions of a few. 

Unfortunately this dilemma is now pervasive in all aspects of our society. The financial sector, manufacturing, healthcare, food and drug, agriculture, etc. (to name a few) are now so heavily regulated that many of us now look to and depend upon these rules and regulations to keep us safe and informed (and yet they continue to fall short).  This dependency enslaves us to our governing bodies to whom we look for protection and to ensure civilization remains civil.  Now contrast that dependency with the fact that many of those within our governing bodies have become increasingly depraved and undisciplined. Our unwillingness to self-regulate has produced a governing body to mirror our lack of self-regulation.  In the principle-vacuum of unrestrained passions, we have created a government permeated by individuals who recognize our dependency and use that knowledge to pit our passions against ourselves. Our divisiveness is their job security. They have invented a "religion" and associated vocabulary which successfully excites the passions (primarily fear) they require to subject us.  These tactics are not limited solely to the governing bodies. 

If left unchecked, these unfortunate circumstances have only one natural conclusion; the exponential erosion of liberty into the unfettered grip of tyranny.  Self-regulation is the key.  We must consciously, and purposefully purge the corruption in all it's forms and occupations. 

Some of the most critical issues facing our nation today have been shrouded in the protective "circle of political correctness". The victimhood established through political correctness ignores the root by simply accentuating any related sensitivities.  When anyone from outside of the "circle of political correctness" attempts to address an issue, the sensitivities flare and smother the attempt.  To address these issues we must dismiss the need for offense and embrace a grass-roots cultural awareness that shifts perspectives and opens dialog.  Political-correctness does not solve the issues. It only serves to insulate them from the necessary treatment required for permanent resolution.  

For example, a man is ill-equipped to address the issue of abortion as the sensitivities of women's rights, and the historical injustices, prevent them from even broaching the topic civilly with those of opposing views. The slogan, "right to choose", trumps the blatantly obvious moral implications of said choice and pretends to equate it to a woman's right to vote, or to lead her life freely in open society. The only way to address abortion and it's implications with any hope of a civilized debate is from within the self-regulating community of women. 

Likewise, radical Islamic terrorism will not be defeated by force of combat. No amount of bombs and bullets will root out the ideology and practice without the complete erosion of all civil liberties and/or the genocide of millions. The same goes for any radicalization of religion. Unfortunately this tactic has been used and continues to be used. The only way to truly conquer radical Islamic terrorism is to start from within the community of Islam. The peace-loving members of Islam must stand up and speak out against the brutality. They must self-identify and weed out the hostility from among their ranks. This is the only way to combat this issue for the radicalized hide amongst the peace-loving while enjoying the quiet protection of political correctness. 

Many more issues of similar or greater magnitude effect us and our communities. We must all collectively and individually self-identify and self-regulate. We will all rise, or we will all fall, together. These issues do not exist in a vacuum, independent of all others, though the theology of political correctness would have us think so. 

For evil to prevail, they only need to discourage those who would do the right thing. It is never to late to do the right thing and I pray to God Almighty that we will have the strength and humility to act and not simply be acted upon. 

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